Saturday, June 18th, 2011
First Annual
5K Run
5K Family Walk
Kids Races
Facebook: "5KforAidanJ"
We're UP! We're LIVE! We're taking names and getting registrations! After only three days of being up and running, our event website has pulled in over $2,800! Awesome! Proceeds will benefit Parent Heart Watch, Simon's Fund, and Peter's Place (www.PetersPlaceOnline.com), where Devin has been thriving from the play-based group therapy model since October.
Please help spread the word-- not only are we hoping to raise money for the organizations that have supported us and want to end sudden cardiac death in children, but we also want to get local children (ages 5-18) signed up for the cardiac screening event that will take place this Fall. Currenly, EKGs are not included in a well-child check-up and are difficult to get-- yet an EKG has an 80% chance of detecting either an electrophysical or a structural abnormality in the heart. Approximately 1 out of every 100 children screened has been found to need follow-up for a heart condition. PLEASE consider signing your kids up for this easy, quick, non-invasive test!
Help us spread the word! "Like" us on Facebook at "5KforAidanJ" and check out our race website. Aidan LOVED to run FAST, so the focus on this day will be on the kids, with the magician, playground, and age-divided dash races-- but we have all the professional equipment for the competitive adult runners and will be posting results online. Please join us-- and if you can't, consider making a donation to help us and Parent Heart Watch (www.ParentHeartWatch.org) and Simon's Fund (www.SimonsFund.org) to stop Sudden Cardiac Arrest from taking the lives of the children we love.
Questions? Contact us at aidansheart@gmail.com. If you'd like to make a donation by mail, please make checks payable to "Parent Heart Watch" and write "5K for Aidan J." in the memo line; submit to: 5K for Aidan J., P.O. Box 72258, Thorndale, PA 19372.
Thank you!!!
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