Our current challenge is to get the bill passed by the PA Senate Education Committee so that it will go to the full Senate Floor for a vote. If all goes well, then SB 606 is off to the State House of Representatives and we'll be halfway to making this proposed legislation a full-fledged state law.
So we're again asking for your help. This past Monday marked thirty months since we lost Aidan, and in a bittersweet twist of irony, it was also the first day SB 606 officially spent in the Pennsylvania law-making process.
Tomorrow at noon, there will be 30 hours left in the week until Harrisburg's halls clear out for the weekend. We want to bombard the Senate Education Committee with our support and urge them to vote for Aidan's Law/ SB 606. Can you carve out a few minutes of those 30 hours to help ensure that our schools will be heart-safe for kids?
Here's what we're asking you to do:
There are two senators that we're particularly interested in, so if you don't have time to contact all committeemembers, PLEASE focus on these two:
Senator Mike Folmer (R), Chair of the Senate Education Committee. He is the one who decides if the bill will even see the light of day in the committee itself. Call him, urge him to bring the bill to a vote, and encourage him to support SB 606. Sen. Folmer's phone number is 717-787-5708.
The second person to call is Senator Dominic Pileggi (R), the Senate Majority Leader. As Senate Majority Leader, has the ability to use his position of leadership to encourage forward progress on any legislation in the Senate. What's more, over 20% of your signatures came from his district alone. Let him know! Urge HIM to encourage the Education Committee to bring SB 606 to a vote and ask him to support it as well. Trust us, he's WELL AWARE of this bill. Sen. Pileggi's phone number is: 717-787-4712.
The other members of the Education Committee whose "yes" we need are:
Senator Lloyd K. Smucker (R), Vice Chair: 717-787-6535
Senator Joseph Scarnati III (R), Ex-Officio: 717-787-7084
Senator Patrick Browne (R): 717-787-1349
Senator Jake Corman (R): 717-787-1377
Senator Stewart Greenleaf (R): 717-787-6599
Senator Robert Tomlinson (R): 717-787-5072
Senator Daylin Leach (D): 717-787-5544
Senator Rob Teplitz (D): 717-787-6801
Senator Anthony Williams: 717-787-5970
Remember, you can contact ANY of these senators. It DOES NOT MATTER which district you live in, as long as you're a PA resident.
And please ask your spouse, friends, and any children ages 18 or older to do the same!!!
If you choose to email, here's a sample text you can use:
Hi Everyone,
I need your help. As many of you know, Steve and Christy Silva have recently developed legislation to require
Automatic External Defibrillator's (AED) in every public school in PA.
This legislation called "Aidan's Law" SB 606 is currently in the Senate
Education Committee and needs to be voted on to move to the full floor.
I ask you to please take a minute, right now, to call Senator Mike Folmer at 717-274-6735 and Senator Dominic Pileggi at 717-787-4712.
Tell them you are a PA resident and you want them to protect our
children's hearts by voting yes to "Aidan's Law" SB 606. If they don't
answer, leave a message.
Please make sure everyone in your house who is 18 calls, too!
Thank you, Thank you!
I will keep you posted as this important legislation moves through process.

As always, thank you for your support and thank you for helping us make the effort to keep our kids here in Pennsylvania safe.
All the best,
Christy and Steve
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